Working with Profile Diagram

To create a Profile Diagram:

  1. Select first an element where a new Profile Diagram to be contained as a child.
  2. Select Model | Add Diagram | Profile Diagram in Menu Bar or select Add Diagram | Profile Diagram in Context Menu.

In Profile Diagram, you can use following elements.

See also

UML Profile Diagram
For more information about UML Profile Diagram.


To create a Profile (model element only) by Menu:

  1. Select an Element where a new Profile to be contained.
  2. Select Model | Add | Profile in Menu Bar or Add | Profile in Context Menu.


To create a MetaClass:

  1. Select MetaClass in Toolbox.
  2. Drag on the diagram as the size of MetaClass.

To create a MetaClass (model element only) by Menu:

  1. Select an Element where a new MetaClass to be contained.
  2. Select Model | Add | MetaClass in Menu Bar or Add | MetaClass in Context Menu.

To edit a MetaClass, you can do following actions:


To create a Stereotype:

  1. Select Stereotype in Toolbox.
  2. Drag on the diagram as the size of Stereotype.

To create a Stereotype (model element only) by Menu:

  1. Select an Element where a new Stereotype to be contained.
  2. Select Model | Add | Stereotype in Menu Bar or Add | Stereotype in Context Menu.

To edit a Stereotype, you can do following actions:

To suppress Attributes, see Suppress Attributes.

To suppress Operations, see Suppress Operations.

To hide Operation signatures, see Show Operation Signature.


To create a Extension:

  1. Select Extension in Toolbox.
  2. Drag from a Stereotype and drop on a MetaClass.