Working with Sequence Diagram

To create a Sequence Diagram:

  1. Select first an element where a new Sequence Diagram to be contained as a child.
  2. Select Model | Add Diagram | Sequence Diagram in Menu Bar or select Add Diagram | Sequence Diagram in Context Menu.

In Sequence Diagram, you can use following elements.

See also

UML Sequence Diagram
For more information about UML Sequence Diagram.


To create a Lifeline:

  1. Select Lifeline in Toolbox.
  2. Drag on the diagram as the size of Lifeline.

To create a Lifeline from a Classifier (Class, Interface, etc.) by Drag-and-Drop:

  1. Drag a Classifier from Explorer.
  2. Drop on the diagram.

To edit a Lifeline, you can do following actions:


To create a Message (or Self Message):

  1. Select Message (or Self Message) in Toolbox.
  2. Drag from a Lifeline and drop on another Lifeline. (Just click on a Lifeline if you want to create a self message.)

You can change the kind of message by setting messageSort property in Property Editor:

  • synchCall : Synchronous Call
  • asynchCall : Asynchronous Call
  • asynchSignal : Asynchronous Signal
  • createMessage : Create Message
  • deleteMessage : Delete Message
  • reply : Reply Message

To edit a Message, you can do following actions:


To create an Endpoint:

  1. Select Endpoint in Toolbox.
  2. Click at the position on the diagram.


To create a Gate:

  1. Select Gate in Toolbox.
  2. Click at the position on the diagram.

State Invariant

To create a State Invariant:

  1. Select State Invariant in Toolbox.
  2. Click on a Lifeline where the State Invariant to be attached.


To create a Continuation:

  1. Select Continuation in Toolbox.
  2. Drag on the diagram as the size of Continuation.

Combined Fragment

To create a Combined Fragment:

  1. Select Combined Fragment in Toolbox.
  2. Drag on the diagram as the size of Combined Fragment.

To edit a Combined Fragment, you can do following actions:

Interaction Use

To create a Interaction Use:

  1. Select Interaction Use in Toolbox.
  2. Drag on the diagram as the size of Interaction Use.